a bit broken
tries to run
but the timer goes off
not enough time-her
next episode
on bipolar 1
2 many pills to count
3 down
2 more to go
1 minute left
she might fall down
zero, fucks to give
she’ll hold her ground
a fucking idol
or just suicidal
slips into the crystal clear water
proof makeup on
you cant see her flaws
unless she wants you to
then you know you must be a good choose
wisely on your words
dont make her mad
she might go back
to the clinically insane
fucking stalker
she heard it talk
and talked right back
with a heart of glass
did i mention she's outspoken
a bit broken too maybe
three years later
she's holding it together
four hours of sleep she's running on
five to the face
give her some space
or she’ll make do
she will see it through
crystal clear-ly spoke.
she's over it.