a little fucking leech
and i know i let you latch
im a girl who likes to think
ill get away without a scratch
but im just as sick as you are
they told me to call the cops
but i drove around in my car
inhaled twenty tears by three stops
and you gave me more than a bruise
i let you use and you used and you used used used
i knew that you were just too sick
but you had to go and aim a glock at my head
tell me things that made me wish i was dead
ever met a narcissist with a fucking brain tumor
let me explain so it’ll get in your head quicker
he loved himself so much
that when he realized
i didnt love him just as much
he almost wanted me pulverized
almost became a leeches lunch
but i was all too famalierized
my mother like him was a sponge
so i categorized
what i had memorized with my mastermind mom
and i survived because of how i was designed
and he put down the gun
im over it